Elevated Image Health Clinic
Low-cost direct primary care membership. No copays!
No middlemen between you and your doctor
Discounted prices on many medications, labs, and services
- Now accepting new patients at our Renton Wa primary clinic
Welcome To Elevated Image Health Clinic
We are an innovative direct primary care, aesthetics, and wellness clinic located in Renton, WA. Our mission is to truly elevate our patients complete heath, image, and wellness by providing outstanding health care and medical cosmetic services with no insurance hassles and costs.
Direct Primary Care, or DPC, is a new way of providing primary care that’s already helped a quarter million people stay healthier and spend less on healthcare. The defining element of direct primary care is an enduring and trusting relationship between a patient and their primary care medical provider.
Our patients pay a low, monthly membership to access free primary care clinic visits, unlimited 24/7 text, chat, & virtual visits, and discount prices on many medications, tests, labs, and other services.
Direct Primary Care means no insurance comes between you and your primary care physician (PCP). That means your doctor spends less time on paperwork and more time with you. One of the best benefits of direct primary care is access to PCP when you need without denials, hidden costs, or waiting for an appointment.
Medical Image & Aesthetics treatments. We want you to feel and look your best by offering our medical aesthetics services at our clinic. Botox Cosmetic injectable and mirco-needling helps smooth skin and erase wrinkles, lines, and crows feet to have your skin looking smooth and refreshed.
Wellness & Pain. We offer the latest innovative treatments for chronic pain care, migraine, and mental health wellness. Botox injectable for migraine helps many patients alleviate chronic migraine symptoms.
Visit Elevated Image Health Clinic and see way people are switching to direct primary care!
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Join the quarter-million people who are staying healthier and spending less with direct primary care
New Seattle Clinic
Visit our new primary care and aesthetics clinic in Renton,Wa. Now accepting new patients!
Buy A Membership
Get unlimited office visits—and as long as you need, and discounts of many medications, tests, and services.
Join today!
Expert Doctors
Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echos are truly endless. Our board certified physicians focus on what’s most important: Your Health Care & Wellness!
Our Health Services
Our Direct Primary Care physician services includes: In-clinic ambulatory visits, home care visits, discounted labs, direct medications dispensed in clinic, vaccines, and non-member walk-ins.
Our medical aesthetics image services includes: FDA-approved Botox cosmetic injectable and mirco-needling to rejuvenate your skin by smoothing fine lines, wrinkles, crow’s feet, and brow creases for a more youthful, radiant appearance.
Ancillary Services
- Discounted labs and imaging.
- Direct medications dispensed by clinic.
- Vaccines.
Refractory Pain
- Migraines
- TMJ (Clenched Jaw)
- Spastic limbs
- Hyperhydrosis
- PRP injections
Why Choose Us!
- Patient-Physician relationship is Our Priority
- Direct Primary Care
- Unlimited Access to your physician
- Reduced Costs
- Better Health Outcomes
- Memebership
- No wait time for scheduled visits!
- Actual 30-60 minute encounters!
- Direct video/phone/texts/email to your provider!
- Free Checkup
About Us
Direct Primary Care, or DPC, is a new way of providing primary care that’s already helped a quarter million people stay healthier and spend less on healthcare. Patients at DPC practices often receive ongoing primary care from their doctor with zero copays, convenient online scheduling options, near-wholesale prices on medications and blood tests, and even their doctor’s personal cell number. It’s like having a doctor in the family.
Meet Our Staff

Dr Joshua Le, DO
Dr. Joshua Le, DO is a board-certified physician with an in-depth knowledge and diverse background in medicine. He is experienced with in-patient clinical practice, out-patient home care, hospitalized care, and critical illness care for patients on life support
Frequently Asked Question
Direct Primary Care, or DPC, is a new way of providing primary care that’s already helped a quarter million people stay healthier and spend less on healthcare. Patients at DPC practices often receive ongoing primary care from their doctor with zero copays, convenient online scheduling options, near-wholesale prices on medications and blood tests, and even their doctor’s personal cell number. It’s like having a doctor in the family.
So how is this possible? Easy: direct primary care practices cut out middlemen like insurance companies, freeing themselves to provide great care at fair prices. Unlike traditional third party practices that serve the needs of insurance companies, direct primary care is for everybody; most DPC memberships cost less than your monthly cell phone or cable bill, for great care whenever you need it.
If you’re tired of high copays, insane wait times, rushed 8-minute doctor visits, join 250,000 other Americans that have already benefited from direct primary care.
Simply: your DPC doctor is there when you need them.
You get unlimited office visits at no additional charge—and they’ll be as long as you need. Typically you’ll be able to book a same-day or next-day appointment, sometimes directly through the practice’s website. Often you’ll have access to your doctor’s cell phone number, so you’ll be able to call or text them any medical questions as needed. Some simple diagnostics (e.g. strep tests) and blood tests may be performed in office for a small additional charge (or no charge at all). If you have a major issue, your doctor will coordinate any specialist referrals or hospital care.
Below is a comprehensive list of services provided by most direct primary care practices. Most of these services are provided as an included perk of membership; others are often provided for a small additional fee. Talk to the DPC practices near you to understand exactly what their memberships include.
- Treating common everyday problems like colds, flu, strep throat, rashes, burns, joint injuries, and other wounds.
- Keeping you up-to-date on all recommended preventative screening, like colonoscopies, pap smears, and EKGs.
- Managing chronic conditions like asthma, diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or thyroid disorder. Your doctor will work with you to formulate a long-term personalized management plan.
- Performing minor procedures. If you need a minor procedure like a mole removal, joint injection, stitches, or a simple cosmetic precedure, your primary care provider may be able help with that. When joining a practice, ask your doctor what procedures are in their scope of practice.
- Providing a slew of additional services. A growing number of practices offer chronic pain treatments (joint injections), sleep disorder treatments (sleep studies and CPAP), minor cosmetic procedures, osteopathic manipulation, migraine treatments, osteoporosis tests (bone density testing), and athletic performance testing (VO2 max). These services are often offered for a small additional fee.
- Managing your specialist care. If you have a medical issue that can’t be handled by your primary care physician, you’ll be referred to a doctor that can continue your treatment. And your DPC doctor won’t just shoo you out the door; they’ll work closely wih the specialist to make sure there is seamless continuity of care. Many DPC doctors have access privileges at nearby hospitals, so they’ll be able to check up on you and take an active role in your care.
- Providing an annual full-body physical and checkup. Often, your doctor will do a comprehensive review of systems at your very first in-person appointment.
The typical monthly fee is about as much as your cell phone bill. That’s a small price to pay for a level of care you literally can’t get anywhere else. Imagine asking your hospital doctor for their personal cell number—they’d probably laugh out loud. Or call your local hospital and ask to schedule an appointment for tomorrow—not likely. Those things—any many more—come free with a DPC membership.
Not to mention: the membership fee can often pay for itself. Most DPC practices have an established relationship with local laboratories and radiology centers. That means you can get blood tests, pathology screens, X-rays, MRIs, and more for low cash prices. Most DPC practices dispense medications in-house at near-wholesale prices, so you can both save money and avoid extra trips to the pharmacy. Plus, as a DPC member, you may be able to save a lot of money on insurance by switching to a high-deductible plan. Learn more about saving money with DPC here.
In short: being a member of a DPC practice is like having a doctor in the family. Your doctor will always be in your corner, working to keep you as healthy as possible. It’s an amazing feeling.
You bet! Let’s go over some common scenarios where a DPC membership can save you money.
- #1 You’re taking multiple medications. If you’re taking multiple medications and paying with insurance for all of them, your co-pays are probably stacking up. Direct primary care practices frequently dispense common medications directly from their offices, so you won’t need to do an extra trip to the pharmacy. Plus, your DPC doctor will purchase these medications at wholesale prices from a free-market vendor like Andameds or Henry Schein, and they pass those savings through to you. Some practices add a small markup (say, 10%), others sell these medications at cost. The value of this service depends on which medications you’re taking. Often your insurance provider will only cover a drug from a particular drug manufacturer, or they’ll require you to use a brand-name version even though a cheaper generic is on the market. If that’s the case you can easily be paying hundreds of dollars a month on medications—money you could save as a DPC member.
- #2 You get injured. If you get in an accident, break a bone, need stitches, or require emergency medical care of any sort, you’ll probably go to an urgent care or the emergency room. Going to either of these is a surefire way to drain your pocketbook. In the best base scenario, the urgent care center is in your insurance network and you pay a high co-pay—up to $100 in some cases. But that’s only if you’re lucky. Insurance coverage of emergency care is spotty at best, and urgent care centers are known to mislead patients regarding the true costs of care. Even if you verify multiple times that your insurance will cover your care, you can still get hit with big bills. Often urgent cares don’t know if you’re insurance is actually valid, or they’ll intentionally mislead you.
Emergency rooms are even worse: you’ll often have to pay a co-pay of $1000 or more just to get seen, PLUS the cost of any additional scans or treatments. There are dozens of horror stories online about unwitting patients who we’re financially ruined by insane ER bills they thought we’re covered by insurance. One bad day can cost you thousands of dollars—enough to cover years of a DPC membership. As a DPC patient, you know exactly who to call when you need help. - #3 You’re overpaying for insurance. If you’re on an insurance plan named after a precious metal, you shouldn’t be. Health insurance companies have been over-reaching for years—to read more about this, check out our essay on the healthcare crisis. Even the cheapest health plan your employer offers covers WAY more than it should, so don’t get conned out of more money by picking a low-deductible “Platinum” plan.
As a DPC patient, the majority of your healthcare will be taken care of by your DPC doctor. All standard care, wound treatment, blood work, preventative screens, and physicals will either be included in your membership or provided at a fair price by your doctor. If your DPC doctor isn’t equipped to deal with a medical issue, it’s probably serious. And if it’s serious, then you’ll very likely hit your out-of-pocket maximum (OOP). (This OOP is what it sounds like: the maximum amount you can possibly spend on healthcare before your insurance plan starts footing 100$ of the bill.)
Here’s the thing: the OOP for the cheapest and most expensive plans don’t vary that much. Aetna’s cheapest plan costs roughly $600 per year and has an OOP of $6650. Their most expensive plan costs $4200/year with an OOP of $4000. That means you’d be paying a guaranteed $3600 extra dollars ($4200 – $600) to avoidthe small chance of paying an extra $2650 (6650 – 4000) on your healthcare. That doesn’t make sense! Unless you’re expecting to suffer a major health crisis every 9 months, you’ll be better off on a cheaper plan. Otherwise, just join a DPC practice and take the cheapest insurance you can find!
Do none of those scenarios apply to to you? Here’s one more:
- #4 You care about your health. Here’s the thing: direct primary care is the best game in town when it comes to healthcare. Think of it this way: before DPC, only movie stars and the super-rich were able to afford a personal doctor who works tirelessly to keep them healthy. To keep a personal doctor on staff costs around thousands of dollars per month. The rest of us had to a) wait until we were sick before talking to a doctor, then b) schedule a visit weeks in advance just to c) spend 10 minutes with a doctor we’d never met.
With DPC, everyone can have a personal doctor on speed dial for a shockingly low amount. Having a medical expert at hand to answer questions, keep track of your preventative screenings, advise on your diet and lifestyle, and actually care about your happiness was simply not possible before. Now it is. By splitting hairs over tens of dollars per month, you’re missing out on the best deal in healthcare.
If it seems like everything is a subscription these days, that’s probably because it is! And with good reason: subscriptions are the best way for a business (of any kind) to offer high-quality service and support over a long period of time. If you long for the days when software cost hundreds of dollars and came in a box, DPC might not be for you.
The alternative would be itemized, “usage-based” pricing—the exact pricing scheme used by the traditional healthcare system. And that didn’t work out so well for anyone. There are a hundred little perks of being a DPC patient—check out a comprehensive list of benefits here. Frankly, the benefits of being a DPC patient are too varied and rich to be broken down into a “menu of services”. Paying your DPC doctor for every thing they do would be like paying Netflix for every episode of TV you watch. Sounds awful.
Yes, you’ll still need insurance, though you may be able to reduce the amount you pay.
Your DPC membership is not an insurance plan; you’ll still need insurance if you have a major health problem. (But when those problems arise, your DPC doctor will be next to you to guide you through the system and coordinate your care.) That said, you may be able to save money on your insurance! Since all routine care is covered by your membership, you can switch to a “high-deductible” health plan that costs less per month.
Recently, some alternatives to traditional insurance companies have been gaining in popularity. You may actually be able to save money by joining a healthcare cost-sharing community. To learn more about how these communities go hand-in-hand with DPC, check out this article by Sedera Health.
Absolutely! To be sure, your DPC doctor will always be there for you if you’re get sick or hurt. But they also work proactively to keep you healthy, happy, free of preventable diseases, and living a good lifestyle.
It’s hard to break out of the mindset of the insurance-based healthcare system. In “the system”, everything is centered around treating illness. It’s very hard for a doctor to get paid by an insurance company for detecting early warning signs of diabetes or encouraging a lifestyle change to decrease risk of heart disease. Doctors just aren’t rewarded for encouraging all-around good health.
By being in constant contact with your DPC doctor when you’re healthy, you’ll be able to stay that way. By the time you’re being treated for a chronic disease, it’s usually too late. But if you spend your healthy years under the watchful eye of a doctor that cares, you’ll be able to stay out of the hospital for years to come.
Yes! This is will be cash or self-pay service at 150$ per visit.
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If you have questions about the opportunities available to you in our programs, feel free to send us a message. We will get back to you as soon as possible.
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Are you ready to enroll?
Join the quarter-million people who are staying healthier and spending less with direct primary care
Elevated Direct Primary Care
- 4300 Talbot Road South STE 105, Renton, Washington 98055, United States
- (206) 395-4748
- JoshuaHLeDO@gmail.com
Office Hours
We love our customers, so feel free to visit during normal business hours.
Monday – Friday 8:00 – 5:00
Saturday 9:00 – 5:00
Sunday 11:00 – 4:00
Contact Us
We are here to answer any questions you may have about our health care and medical aesthetics services. Send us a message and we will get back to you as soon as possible!”